Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today is a sad day, my daughter is coming home frome her internship from Disneyworld. withought going into to many details, I will just say she was abused emotionally, and phisically!! it was a hard lesson to pay:( today I am still striving for my Goal. 150 pounds. and now I even have a better reason to claim that pot of gold. my daughter's tuition:) she needs to reach for her dreams, and I need to help her. I dont know how much I have lost till my 2 week's are over, but untill then, chow for now:)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Today I officailly went into the Gym and paid my $20.00 for the biggest loser. so far it is up to 2800 HUNDRED DOLLARS. WOO HOO!! they are going by persentage only, to be more fair:) as I was walking on the tredmill, looking up at one of the TV i was watching the terrible earthquake that just happend in HAITI. and was thinking how this money can really help alot of people:) I feel for the lives that have been taken, and the ones that are still alive trying to find shelter and food:( I know if I can lose this weight I can win that prize money, and who knows I may be able to visit my daughter in florida also:) God will show me my prioreties:)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today I feel I should erase my other two blogs for the fact I have already seem to fail:( getting started has been so difficult for me. with the every day life and the hassels that happen, I seem to go for food:( OK new day, right? today I went to the Gym and they have a new contest starting up and guess what it is called? yep, the biggest loser. who would have guessed. ha!ha! 20 dollars to start and it last for three months. this may be what I need to get my big butt started. I had my daughter take a picture of me for a before photo, NO I will not post it at this time, but after the three months I will post it with my after picture next to it, yes, I promis:) so that is my plan:) Pray for me:)By the way I will also state my weight tomorrow as I will be weighed, OUCH!!! I can say this, I am over 200 pounds!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today is monday January 12th 2010, and as I promised I would begin my Journey to losing weight, but like always I have been procratanating. I haven't gone to the Gym today for the fact one of my Daughters friends got sick and I had to stay home to watch her, yea I know to many excuses:( tomorrow is another day right:) I need to do this, I need to have some kind of suport and I'm not sure how to get it. so I relie on the LORD to help me, but as we know he cant help unless we help ourselves, right again:( well till tomorrow, and hopefully with positive words:)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Start of my blog

tomorrow I begin my Journey. the same day my daughter will begin hers. altho my daughters Journey will be more pleasant by going to Florida for her internship, I may have more of a battle ahead of me. I will begin to say, I have struggled with my weight as long as I can remember. and when I was in my twenties I must say I looked like my eldest daughter kayla, small and very pretty. after having my first child is when the challenge to keep the weight off was imposible to achieve. I have decided to take this journey at this time of my life because I have come to a place in my life I am not happy with myself, and to be real happy I know what I must do. I know I dont need will power, I know I don't need to beat myself up if I eat something I shouldn't. But I do know to succeed I do need my Heavenly Fathers help to guide me through the hard times that I will be having at times through this journey.