Saturday, January 9, 2010

Start of my blog

tomorrow I begin my Journey. the same day my daughter will begin hers. altho my daughters Journey will be more pleasant by going to Florida for her internship, I may have more of a battle ahead of me. I will begin to say, I have struggled with my weight as long as I can remember. and when I was in my twenties I must say I looked like my eldest daughter kayla, small and very pretty. after having my first child is when the challenge to keep the weight off was imposible to achieve. I have decided to take this journey at this time of my life because I have come to a place in my life I am not happy with myself, and to be real happy I know what I must do. I know I dont need will power, I know I don't need to beat myself up if I eat something I shouldn't. But I do know to succeed I do need my Heavenly Fathers help to guide me through the hard times that I will be having at times through this journey.

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